AmWiner 100% genuine leather bag made with 100% original Italian Genuine Cow Leather. These supreme quality leather bags are made in Italy with love and passion. This handbag is the posh item for the lovers of fashion. Each handbag is unique and super stylish.
Model Height: 5ft 9”
Skirt length: 43 inches floor length max
Size: One size/ can be customized to any your waist size
One Size Waist: 34 inches - 36 inches
Hem width: 225 inches (extra wide)
Quantity of fabrics used: 6 yards original Hollandaise wax print.
36 inches bold wrap-around belt could be tied on the front or back.
Unit Retail Price: $110 / You may select any of our stock fabric for a wholesale order
Wholesale Price: $60 / 24 pcs minimum quantity.
UV infused fabric printed and made in Italy
Care: Hand washes with eco-warm water, and color guard detergent. Warm iron with or without sizing spray. Hypoallergenic cotton